Deadly Debacles

Both of our PT Cruisers may have parts in them from Takata’s Mexico Plant.
Picture credit: Walkingfox

The news this week of serious Air Bag flaws and failures, has been an alarming and terrifying one for car owners everywhere and two Floridians were also among the victims, one lost an eye, the other tragically, lost her life.

The once very much respected auto addition mandated by N.H.T.S.A. and other safety programs many years ago, now, can and have killed people.

One of the factors that has been suggested to cause this air bag failure is said to be humidity, which makes those of us living here in Florida feeling more than a little nervous right now.

The fact that the guilty makers of the air bags and the car companies who did not alert consumers immediately show how little respect or concern all of them have for us, those who keep them in business.

So these car companies: Honda, BMW, Chrysler, GM, Ford, Toyota, Nissan, Subaru, Mazda and Mitsubishi have had about 14 million cars recalled for air bag issues.

Takata, one of the world’s  biggest air bag manufacturers, is one of those who makes the air bags in question.

And they and others, are doing what they all usually do, waiting to see how the fall out goes.

A worrisome fact just learned today, is that a factory that Takata has admitted may  have made defective air bags was at one of their plants in Mexico more than ten years ago.

Both of our PT Cruisers were made there.

It has not been recalled, to our knowledge.

As in the recent past with the countless other recalls, some of the car makers have been sullenly, deadly, silent in their egregious failure to protect people.

This nightmare for owners of the recalled cars is not new, it has been going on with no clue to the terrified owners since at least 2004 and that is ten long deadly years!

Globally auto makers have brought this on themselves with denials and foot-dragging responses over recalls in the recent past.

It is not just one, it is too many and it is inexcusable.

Exactly, how much is a human life worth to these companies?

Apparently not a lot!

With the recent ignition switches failures and other terrifying events in the news nearly daily here, is it any wonder that people are afraid to but a new car, or now even a used one?

This ugly mess is completely of their own making, they are guilty and they know it.

But as someone at Ford was long ago quoted as saying, these may be the just the newest,  “acceptable losses.”

Well, in the end, the consumer may just have the last word on this issue and say, “enough.”

“Hey Auto makers, we refuse to put up with, or accept another one of your deadly Debacles!”


Places to  learn more:
Consumer Advisory: Vehicle Owners with Defective Airbags Urged to Take Immediate Action 

Japanese Air Bags Killing People Worldwide: ‘It Looked Like A Stabbing’

Air Bag Flaw

Blinded by an airbag: Teenager suffers devastating injuries

Recall of exploding air bags now covers almost 8 million cars

Eustis man claims faulty air bag blinded him

Few Answers After an Alert on Takata Airbags

Now the Air Bags Are Faulty, Too


The List

Yes, Wikipedia is huge, but they do try to get it right.


This new Blog will attempt to enlighten the reader, as if we need to have more to worry about,  about those Companies worldwide who have little, or no regard, for the health or well being of its customers.

That would be you and me.

What it comes down to is this, we are paying these companies without conscience,  to kill us.

They produce products that they know very well are either toxic,  or at the very least not safe, or healthy to consume.

This includes,  all of us Humans, all of the planet’s living creatures  and of course our beloved pets.

China’s lethal Jerky treats come to mind and they will still be sold in some pet food stores, like Petco,  until the Fall!

Hello, we are paying them to do this to us.

Now, just in case you have been away on Holiday, or perhaps checked out for the beginning of this year, a perfect example of exactly how much we can do when we put our minds to it, was the Blogger who recently exposed  Sub Way, for the not very tasty,  rubber mat  ingredient,  azodiacarbonamide 
in their bread.

If you watch their new ads carefully now, they actually say, “we no longer have this ingredient in our bread.”

Score one for us!

And a huge thank you to the tenacious Blogger who made this happen.

So, as this Blog progresses, these are the kinds of stories we need to continue working on and at.

Together we can force these Corporate  Bullies, these  ruthless, amoral,  greedy, gluttonous Companies to change.

It has already begun~

Now for the Initial List, please do comment and offer your suggestions for it:

(Several of you have already sent  suggestions and they are included)

Monsanto – DONE!

Bayer – DONE!

Wal Mart – DONE!

Facebook – DONE!

Nestlé – DONE!

Microsoft – DONE!

The Koch Brothers – DONE!

Donald Trump – DONE!

Keystone  Oil



Duke Energy





Coke – DONE!


Burger King – DONE!

McDonald’s – DONE!



Bank of America

JP Morgan Chase

Syngenta —— Atrazine

And lastly, just about everything that China currently sells in this country, especially for pets!

Now, let’s see if we can’t add even more names to this list, shall we?