Et tu Wendy’s?

Black Bean Sliders
Picture by Walkingfox


Just as I was beginning a post this morning about a new product that makes my heart sing, bam the door slammed shut on me.

You see in my mail today, was a nifty story about a new Black Bean Burger being introduced at a select number of Wendy’s in Ohio.

But, regretfully when I started reading it, there was also a side story, that pointed to a quite unhappy situation.

It would seem that the about to become newest favorite eatery, Wendy’s, is embroiled in a mess over wages, with ugly insults being hurled, indicating that they may have participated in what amounts to slave labor with their employees.

Now, if the idea of a Black Bean Burger is new to you, please let me share this, my best friend at UCLA was married to the Manager of one of their top Campus eating places and he delighted in letting me know each week when he made them, knowing full well that I hated meat and loved this culinary treat.

I never did learn all of the ingredients of this delicious, decadent burger, but had been a huge fan of Black Beans for many years, so never cared a whole lot about what he put into them.

Moving to Florida basically closed the door on all of my favorite California vegetarian eating places, as I soon learned that they were not high on anyone’s totem pole here.

So, not willing to eat the Morning Star veggie burgers made with soy beans that have been processed with Hexane, a known carcinogen and pretty much a toxin/pesticide, I had given up hope.

That was until a few months ago, when shockingly I found a new Black Bean Burger from a previously unknown Company, at our local Wal-Mart.

Bringing it home was a challenge, as Walkingfox is not huge on doing without meat.

Surprise, he liked them and has become a fan, of sorts.

But being out on a shopping or other trip and hoping to find one was not to be, at least not here.

So, you can imagine my delight this morning seeing/reading this story about Wendy’s.

Joy quickly turned to sorrow, after reading that they are having similar salary and wages problems  with their employees as Waffle House is.

Right now the delectable Black Bean Burgers are only being tested in Ohio, near Wendy’s Corporate offices, but it looks like that may change quickly judging from the public responses to them.

Now if they can only get their employee/wages issues fixed, Wendy’s may yet become a new place to eat on the run.

And, if they don’t, then, as with Waffle House, we will not be dining there any time soon either.

So, dear Wendy’s, please treat your employees right, pay them right and this may after all, be only a rhetorical question, et tu Wendy’s?


Places to learn more:

Amid Call for Boycott, Concerns Rise That Eating at Wendy’s Supports Slave Labor

Why Wendy’s Vegan Black Bean Burger Isn’t Masquerading as Meat

Low Wage Workers Fast Food Forward Campaign

Worker wages: Wendy’s vs. Wal-Mart vs. Costco

Wendy’s “The Final Fast Food Hold-out”

Wendy’s salaries

Boycott Coke!


Picture  credit: Wikipedia


An enraging letter/petition was in my email this morning and it has now become the subject of today’s posting.

Coke has been on  The List  since this Blog’s inception and today the impetus for writing about it was delivered conveniently in my email.

Personally I have not drank any soft drinks for many years now, right after I learned what they did/do to our bodies.

I discovered that drinking Diet Coke every day was the source of my migraine headaches.

I stopped drinking it and the migraines were instantly gone.

This was more than twenty years ago.

But today, Coke has a huge family of other products and some of them have been here in our house, for a very long time.

Simply Orange used to be a favorite and just a week ago, I brought home some coconut water after seeing it on the Dr. Oz Show and hearing how good it was for us.

After looking at the lengthy list of Coke products today, it was sad to realize that by my purchase of them, I too was/am empowering Coke to continue its evil plan.

Did I know that Coke and Monsanto were/are sleeping together?


Until just recently, few of us were aware, that these two Giants have been secretly plotting against the World’s consumers.

Neither of them want you, me, any of us, to know that they are spending millions to keep GMO’s in our lives and our bodies.

The truly terrifying thing is that some of these Coke products claim to be Organic.

If they are, why would they support and defend, against the wishes of the very consumers who buy their products, a Corporation like Monsanto, whose primary source of income is the manufacture of GMO’s?

Together these two Mega forces have and are, defeating any hope of legalized opposition through their combined forces, against any bill demanding the labeling of GMO’s anywhere in America that could stop them.

It all borders on complete insanity.

Or, is absolutely brilliant marketing, by two of the most powerful Corporations in the world, who are simply sharing a brain.

Below is a link to a Boycott Coke petition, please do read it and if you agree, please do sign it and share it?

We are only the poor innocent dupes who are funding, by our consistent purchasing, the evil that these two Corporations will continue to inflict upon us, until we stop them, by refusing to buy ANYTHING that either of them makes.

In searching for reference points for this story, it was learned that Pepsi may also be included in this conspiracy.

I will leave them for another day, but it is something to consider in the meantime.

Think of a world without toxins, poisons and chemicals in all of our food.

A wonderful world without unidentified Genetically Modified Organisms.

Think of your children and what this means to their future health and well-being.

Boycott Coke!


Places to learn more:

The Boycott Campaign is here:


Coca-Cola  – Wikipedia

The Coca-Cola Monsanto connection

The Dark Side of Coca-Cola’s Healthy Brands

Food industry front groups exposed in new report: Monsanto, Coke, Pepsi and more


New Blog~

If you think that Organic and GMO foods are not a high stakes industry, please do take a look at this picture.


Credit: Compiled by Stephanie Ladwig-Cooper


If you might have wondered where I have been, this is where:

It was the result of a bad shopping excursion that was the very last straw.

Hope you enjoy it!


Naughty Nestlé

Nestlé’s Corporate Headquarters in Switzerland
Picture credit: Wikipedia


Ooh! La, La!  They’re not just about delectable chocolate anymore.

Since 1866, Nestlé has brought the world visions of sweet treats that they simply could not resist, but not anymore.

Now with roughly a mind-boggling 8,000 products and over $10 Billion in profits in 2013, they have become one of the biggest and yes, most often criticized food Corporations in the entire World.

“Nestlé has 447 factories, operates in 194 countries, and employs around 333,000 people” –  Wikipedia.

But expansion did not come without great controversy for the Chocolate Giant and the list of subjects of abuse that have been made against this mega corporation is long and wide and includes:
chocolate price-fixing, child labor laws in Africa’s Ivory Coast, bottled water, infant formula, food contamination, ravaging rainforests, unions, human rights, corporate spying, to name only a meager few.

In fact, they abuse so many people, in so many ways and places, it is remarkable that they are still in business.

But that remark aside, they are not only alive and well, they are hugely prosperous and the seething critics chomping at their behinds, apparently have had little, to no effect, on their bottom line!

Sorry that did not quite work, did it?

Rather that go on ad nauseam, about what I have found out about this Company, I believe that it would be better if you went to the links below and read for yourself.

May I just say that in all of the years that I have been writing, I have never found so many reference points for a written work, as I did for this one, not ever!

These abuses are absolutely sickening and yet, Nestlé somehow, remains the most powerful, biggest and most wealthy, Food Mega Corporation in the world today.

Please my dear followers, do read some of the links below and learn all about the World’s favorite Chocolate Company.

Perhaps it may just be time for another Nation-Wide Boycott of Nestlé in this Country?


Places to learn more:  (there were so many more, it was staggering)

Nestlé – Wikipedia

SourceWatch – Nestlé

The unrepentant chocolatier

Nestle Chairman says water is not a human right. Tell him he is wrong

Nestlé: Corporate Rap Sheet

Community says “no to Nestlé

Nestlé’s approach to sustainable agriculture 

Nestle Audit Finds Child Labor Violations in Cocoa Supply

Nestle: Stop heartless animal experiments for health claims

The brands of Nestlé

Nestlé’s Horrific Corporate Record

Undercover Video Catches Brutal Alleged Cow Abuse at DiGiorno Supplier


Power to the Hawaiian People

Lyon Arboretum, Oahu, Hawaii,
Picture credit:  Daderot


As there was not the overwhelming expected response to the posting about Monsanto, I felt no great need to rush on to the next name on   The List,  which is Bayer.

But then in my email this morning,  came the impetus to do it right now.

This story is but one of countless examples of the reasons why our Planet has reached such a critical tipping point.

This is a twisted tale of money, lobbyists, pesticides and toxins, seeds, GMO’s,  politicians and of course, the usual  Mega Corporations,  and squeezed in between them,  are the outraged residents of the  Aloha State, who have just passed a  NO GMO’s  law that will start in August of this year.

Bayer and its  “comrades in crime”  have pushed one of the most beautiful, natural Islands of the Pacific, Hawaii  to be exact,  to the edge and now the Hawaiians are pushing back, hard.

The players in this story are the besieged people of the Hawaiian Islands and in the opposite corner, Monsanto, Bayer, Syngenta, Dow Chemical, DuPont Pioneer, etc., or as they are not so lovingly called, the BIG SIX.

Let the blood bath begin.

How many of you truly believe that the common people of Hawaii can outspend these Mega Groups, with their endless professional lobbyists, staunch political backers and millionaire donaters with their never empty check books?

It does not look good for the  ” people.”

This is all very personal to me,  having experienced this Garden of Eden personally several times, and being left with priceless memories of a truly perfect paradise.

The miles of never-ending fields of mouth-watering pineapples,  the crystal clear waterfalls, surrounded by a dizzying array of wild fruits trees, the abundance of pure, safe food everywhere that the eye can see, this truly is a place of miraculous beauty, and it is being held hostage, or put up for  sale right now,  by  the ” biggest bullies on the block.”

Thinking of what “ BIG AG ” is trying to do here, makes me see red.

What the people of Hawaii are attempting  to do is fight back,  albeit, perhaps in vain.

They are trying to force these BIG AG BULLIES  to identify what food  is modified and we DO have that right, all of us.

This is not the first dirty, legal  battle for these Mega Corporations, they have a lot on the line in Hawaii,  because you can be sure that the rest of the country is watching and right now,  a very frightening thought comes to mind:
so goes Hawaii, so goes the rest of the USA, maybe even the world!

This GMO Train Wreck has left the station, next stop, your dinner plate.

Stay tuned America, the entire source of your future food supply,  may be a modified genetic organism, a GMO and you may not know it, or be able to stop it.

How does that taste?

Here’s to the Power of the People, those Passionate Polynesians, the Hawaiian people!


Places to learn more:

The first story below, from those great people at Alter Net,  is truly  awesome, as  it names names
and shows who got how much and why.

Hawaii Is Ground Zero

Hawaiians fight back against GMO experiments

Biotech Trade Group Brings Muscle to Hawaii County GMO Fight

Opposition crops up to GMO foods in Hawaii


What the Fork


Monsanto, the Mega Monster

Monsanto CEO Hugh Grant
Picture credit: Janine Moraes


As promised,   Monsanto  will be the first Corporation to be addressed here.

How do we begin to list all of the irreparable harm, the ” without warrant “  danger, the insidious pain, that this ” biggest bully on the block, “  Company has inflicted on millions all over the Globe?

Monsanto produces herbicides/pesticides, countless varieties of  seeds, and oh yes, GMO’s enough to feed the entire world.

By the way, their CEO Hugh Grant, not the actor,
has been quoted as saying that he eats  ONLY Organic food~

That should speak volumes!

My personally most despised product of theirs, is the herbicide/pesticide Roundup,  which I consider to be the singular most dangerous home/lawn product used in this Country.

It is applied liberally, to the eventual demise of all, including it is suggested, even the user, to yards and lawns everywhere in America.

It has, in my opinion, been the guilty party, the one thing most responsible for the nearly complete decimation of most of Florida’s amphibians, like our green treefrogs and lizards,  that once were so numerous, there were just too many to count, and now are teetering on the edge of extinction.

A question: How many now using Roundup,  know of the dangers that they place themselves in by this simple act?

Roundup, An Herbicide, Could Be Linked To Parkinson’s, Cancer And Other Health Issues, Study Shows

Was just sent this horrific story about Roundup that must be included here:

More About Glyphosate (RoundUp)

This is  only one of the many pesticides, or herbicides, that this company mass produces and sends around the world, knowing full well, the deleterious  effects, the tremendous toxicity, that they have been linked to for many years now.

Next, GMO’s and Monsanto.

This  is an awesome study of their attempt to rule the world:

Monsanto’s Dirty Dozen

More examples of Monsanto’s ugly war on safe and healthy  food:

Monsanto’s manipulative tactics revealed after claiming GM soybeans are ‘substantially equivalent’ to non-GMOs

Monsanto would like nothing better than to be the primary source, or better yet, the only source for our world’s food supply:

How Monsanto and Biotech Companies Use Propaganda on Our Children

Even more history of the Company we love to hate:

Top 10 Facts YOU Should Know About Monsanto

This Mega Company is making history for the overwhelming ugliness it has created towards it, they  now have so many enemies that these groups have united forces and even have their own rallies and marches against them:

March Against Monsanto

A perhaps vital tidbit for some of you, do you know what the main ingredient in nearly 100% of all of the mayonnaise made in America is?

It is soy beans.

Guess what is used on nearly 100 % of all soy bean plants grown in America?


And you cannot cook it, or clean it,  out of,  or off of the food.

So, how much mayonnaise do you use?

We use a lot and I know that it is, thanks to Monsanto,  nearly pure pesticides.

Have another sandwich!

This page could go on for an eternity, but let me leave you with this final thought.

The next time that you eat anything, ask yourself this,  ” would the CEO of Monsanto eat this? “

Probably not!