No New Ideas Needed

A McDonald’s in Norway
Picture credit: Ken


It all started out innocently enough.

I was going through my email this morning and saw a new petition for McDonald’s.

This particular petition was about something that I personally have been nagging them about for years, or every single time that I went there, which by the way, in the past few years has been less and less.

I do not like meat or hamburgers and have repeatedly suggested to them that they might want to consider making some sort of meatless or veggie burger, as several of their competitors have already done.

Even better, to introduce a few Organic items!

Each and every time I was met with the same blank stare and ” ok, we will suggest it…”

In California, we who don’t like meat are not a minority, we are a strong group with many voices in high places, like the countless celebrities who also choose not to eat animals and love Organic Foods.

This petition was written by a woman in California who was asking a huge company, which at the present time is all over the news for its financial woes, to consider making a meatless burger.

The Company is cutting their Dollar meals, shuffling their vast menu, and has had a somewhat dismal showing for the past two years, many say.

They have had issues with China and meat and a variety of other embarrassing issues.

None has been very good for their image.

So, I was delighted to go and see this new petition and to absolutely sign it and support it.

However, when I got there, it seems that the desired numbers had already been reached.

Well, that’s very good news and there was also a letter from the author with suggestions for other things to do in support of the Petition and all the necessary details were included in it.

As I don’t do Twitter and wanted to go beyond just posting it on my FB page,  I  then, as suggested, called the company directly.

What happened next is the honest truth, you cannot make this stuff up.

I dialed the number, it rang and a pleasant computer asked me to make a choice of directions to be transferred to next.

I listened to all of the different choices and finally selected  ” suggest new ideas.”

This is the response, or answer that the computer gave me, I swear on my beloved Grandmother.

” I’m sorry, but McDonald’s does not accept any new ideas from anyone who does not work for the company.”

End quote!

Umm,  McDonald’s, I think I see the problem and why your sales and profits may be going down the proverbial drain.

You obviously do not listen, nor care what your customers think.

And you don’t want any ” new ideas “  from those who just happen to pay your salaries.


Facebook Fears

Facebook Headquarters, Menlo Park, California.
Picture credit: Wikipedia


Next on the  LIST:    FACEBOOK.

About three years ago, against my better judgement and at the powerful urging of those who shall remain anonymous, I signed up for an account at Facebook.

What soon followed,  I would not have wished on my worst enemy.

I had huge misgivings going in and had avoided it for years, never trusting it, or the people running it.

Once I signed up, it was only a matter of time before my fears became a reality.

My negative thinking gave way to actual complete loss of any control.

In the beginning, the situation was to be a merry go round of rejections and inabilities to sign in, then it got worse.

I was shut out because I did not have a cell phone number to give them.

The sign in required a cell phone number and you were told to then text back the code that they gave you, to sign in.

It was a nightmare, as there were no actual Human beings to speak with to try to fix the problem.

Hello, we live in the Ocala Forest in Florida and gave our cell phone back after two years of paying for a service, with little or no reception.

Verizon was extremely slow in coming our way, so we finally gave our phone back to them.

Then after weeks of this terror, it was finally, somehow,  resolved.

So, I was now ready to go exploring on Facebook, I thought.

Gleefully unaware of my contentious acts, I then went to places where there were People, and Organizations,  I wanted to meet and/or get to know  and sent them a “Friend Request.”

It was quite quickly made very clear to me, that I was not allowed to “Friend” anyone I did not personally know.

Excuse me, but I was under the misguided impression that joining this disaster, was to meet new people and make new “Friends”

Not so, according to the FB Police.

My punishment for this high crime was to be shut out for a month for being “bad!”

Then after everything seemed to settle down and get comfortable, and I promised to NEVER EVER “Friend”  anyone that I did not personally know,  FB changed some of their  “policies.”

Now it seemed that our pictures and personal information would be viewable to anyone, anywhere, who wanted to see them.

So, I took down anything that I did not want strangers in some distant land to see of my children and relatives.

Next, a scary story  one day on our news was about a local woman who had her FB pictures stolen from her FB site by a creep in another country and they were now being used on porn sites.

By this time, there were quite a few people and Organizations on my Friends list who never, or rarely ever, came to my FB page, or spoke to me, or posted on it.

They were just people who had, over a two-year period, sent me a request and I had said yes to them, if they seemed harmless.

Not knowing what might lurk in the hearts, or minds of these unknowns, left me with no choice, but to completely purge my “Friends List”  down to only a few actual relatives and personal friends.

It was ugly.

At this moment my FB Friends List stands at 30.

But I feel quite confident about every single person on it and that none of them is going to sell my name, or use my pictures for porn.

As FB  has grown over the past ten years, from an insignificant local Harvard web site,  to a Mega Global Multi Billion Dollar Corporation,  one thing has become quite apparent, the object of their very existence is of course, profit or income.

How they acquire their income and what happens to you,  your information and your privacy, in the pursuit of it, is not,  it is clear, one of their priorities.

So, be forewarned, protect what you have there, or you may become  the next victim of Global Hackers and unknown others.

Facebook Fear could become a reality, if you do not.


Places to learn more:


Facebook NewsFeed Manipulation Prompts FTC Complaint, Investigation Possible

With friends like these …

Housewife’s anger after picture is stolen from Facebook and posted on porn site

Seven Annoying Attacks That Facebook


The List

Yes, Wikipedia is huge, but they do try to get it right.


This new Blog will attempt to enlighten the reader, as if we need to have more to worry about,  about those Companies worldwide who have little, or no regard, for the health or well being of its customers.

That would be you and me.

What it comes down to is this, we are paying these companies without conscience,  to kill us.

They produce products that they know very well are either toxic,  or at the very least not safe, or healthy to consume.

This includes,  all of us Humans, all of the planet’s living creatures  and of course our beloved pets.

China’s lethal Jerky treats come to mind and they will still be sold in some pet food stores, like Petco,  until the Fall!

Hello, we are paying them to do this to us.

Now, just in case you have been away on Holiday, or perhaps checked out for the beginning of this year, a perfect example of exactly how much we can do when we put our minds to it, was the Blogger who recently exposed  Sub Way, for the not very tasty,  rubber mat  ingredient,  azodiacarbonamide 
in their bread.

If you watch their new ads carefully now, they actually say, “we no longer have this ingredient in our bread.”

Score one for us!

And a huge thank you to the tenacious Blogger who made this happen.

So, as this Blog progresses, these are the kinds of stories we need to continue working on and at.

Together we can force these Corporate  Bullies, these  ruthless, amoral,  greedy, gluttonous Companies to change.

It has already begun~

Now for the Initial List, please do comment and offer your suggestions for it:

(Several of you have already sent  suggestions and they are included)

Monsanto – DONE!

Bayer – DONE!

Wal Mart – DONE!

Facebook – DONE!

Nestlé – DONE!

Microsoft – DONE!

The Koch Brothers – DONE!

Donald Trump – DONE!

Keystone  Oil



Duke Energy





Coke – DONE!


Burger King – DONE!

McDonald’s – DONE!



Bank of America

JP Morgan Chase

Syngenta —— Atrazine

And lastly, just about everything that China currently sells in this country, especially for pets!

Now, let’s see if we can’t add even more names to this list, shall we?