The Radium Girls


Marie and Pierre Curie experimenting with radium,
a drawing by: André Castaigne
This drawing is said to be considered: Public Domain


A good friend on Facebook alerted me to this vital information this morning and because it has been an important part of my past, I felt compelled to share it here.

This ugly story is about yet another way that Humans have caused mortal harm often, with little concern, to their fellow Humans.

Years ago, we had Native Friends in the East who had developed severe physical afflictions from growing up in Arizona during the time when Uranium mining  was being  done with little regard to the effect it would have on Humans, primarily the Native people who lived near the mining areas there.

This was not the only instance of US mining processes harming Native people, there were many others, all just as deadly.

From the information gleaned from my searches this morning, it seems that we have a lengthy history in this country of deliberate neglect, and willful intent to harm others on a regular basis and shamefully for profit.

This is the story of the women, most of who worked in the Eastern United States, New Jersey to be exact, in factories making products often for the US Government, that would in a very short time and after great suffering on their part, end their lives.

They, without their consent or knowledge, were being poisoned by radiation from Radium.

At this time in our early US history, many people freely used, or worked with and handled, this what is now known to be deadly substance.

Even Marie Curie the renowned Polish Scientist, who won two Nobel Prizes, one in Chemistry and one in Physics, was not exempt from their lethal effects.

She was not only the first woman to win one, but she was also the only woman to win two!

After a lifetime of one brilliant accomplishment after another, sadly, her work with this very dangerous substance, Radium, would eventually cause her death.

Her development of  aplastic anemia was said to be linked to  her bad  habit of carrying toxic, radioactive isotope test tubes in her lab coat pockets.

Tragically, Madame Curie, like the other Radium Girls, would in the end, succumb to the very evil that she had helped to discover.


Places to learn more:

‘Radium Girls’ Remembered for Role in Shaping US Labor Law

Marie Curie

Uranium mining in Arizona

Mae Keane, One Of The Last ‘Radium Girls,’ Dies At 107

Medicine: Radium Women

The Radium Girls

The Radium Girls and the Generation that brushed its Teeth with Radioactive Toothpaste

U tube video – Radium City

Radium Girls

Off My Menu!

A Waffle House In Arizona
Picture credit: Scott


I first saw this story in my mail a few days ago and because it was so very ugly and pointed accusing fingers at one of my all time favorite places to get a pecan waffle, I put it aside.

But after mulling over this information for several sleepless nights, I decided that sharing it was absolutely necessary.

The report/story from AlterNet, is the first one in the reference list below.

This most disturbing story was about Waffle House, one of the most prolific breakfast places in America.

They have hundreds of restaurants throughout America, 2,100 of them actually, in 25 states, many of which are in the South were they are headquartered.

This Georgia chain has been around since 1955 and until I saw this story, my only complaint had been their practice of allowing smoking on the premises and the fact that they were not always the cleanest places to eat.

But my love of the perfect pecan waffle overrode my two minor objections, until now.

Now I find myself sickened and disgusted by a place that I will in the future refuse to eat in, unless they have a complete and total makeover starting from the top down.

If even half of the accusations in this searing report are accurate, Waffle House will never get another penny from me as a customer.

As the old saying goes, the head of the snake must be cut off.

Aside from all of the employee abuse complaints and accusations, and lawsuits by women of sexual harassment, I find the news that this Company has such strong ties with a Political Party and a platform that I find personally reprehensible, for its repeated abuses of women in this country, unacceptable.

This Company is sleeping with the enemy in my mind.

So Dear Waffle House, you are no longer on my Menu!


Places to learn more:

Waffle House’s Diner Empire is Based on Right-Wing Politics and Ripping Off Workers

Waffle House: Ensure every employee makes minimum wage (A very telling closed petition)

Waffle House Refuses To Let Waitress Keep $1000 Tip

 EEOC v. Waffle House, Inc. 

How safe are your favorite restaurants?


Waffle House CEO accused of forcing employee to perform sex acts

What Do 7 UP, Micro Beads and Lithium All Have in Common?

Click on the picture to see the micro beads.
Picture credit: Wikipedia


They are all things we might not want, if given a choice~


Reading my email this morning suddenly became very disturbing.

Several different sources reported things being in our everyday products, that truly do not belong there.

First example: Lithium in 7 UP.

Yes that 7 Up, the one I used to drink as a kid because it was always around when my mom worked there.

What was most frightening, was the follow-up in the story.

It seems that when Lithium is present in drinking water, the rates of suicides decline.

Lithium apparently makes people happier, in safe levels that is, let’s not go nuts here.

I had heard the rumors for years about Coke and Cocaine, but had never heard about this until this morning.

Yikes, is there nothing that has not been altered?

Lithium was commonly used in the Rehab Center where I was a Nurse in California in the treatment of several conditions.

But, how safe was it to put in a drink consumed by millions, including children and pregnant women, without their knowledge?

Not really sure, but am glad they have stopped?

Next shall we talk about your toothpaste?

On the News this week was a story about tiny micro balls or beads now in some in toothpastes, being found in the gums of patients by Dental Hygientists and they are not happy about it.

They are causing numerous problems, like gum disease and infections.

These things are not biodegradable and stick around practically forever, it seems.

Not just in our bodies, but in our Environment as well.

Water supplies and aquatic life are the primary concern.

The beads have already been banned in Illinois.

Bans are already in place, or are pending, to keep our water safe from them.

New York will be next.

This is all not good!

If like me, you are a label reader for self-protection, in the case of toothpaste, this won’t work.

These sneaky Companies put the ingredients on the BOX, which of course we all throw away and not on the actual tube.

Not very nice!

Now the whole world knows about all of this and the Companies are bragging that it will be fixed by March of 2016.


These little balls or beads are causing trouble and they need to go now Proctor & Gamble, Colgate, et., al…

For many years I used AIM because I liked the gel better than a yucky white paste.

But about 10 years ago I switched to Colgate for some reason, think because I had trouble finding AIM.

Then, about a year ago I saw a story on the News about an ingredient Sorbitol,  that I preferred not to have in my toothpaste and went looking once again for AIM.

I found it and switched back.

Remember, the true ingredients are on the BOX.

Today I will be taking a very close look at it to see if the little plastic balls are in it?

Oh and by the way, these same little balls are probably also in your favorite face wash and who knows what else.

We should all start looking at all of our products a lot closer.

As a consumer, I have a question?

Do we have any say in anything anymore?

These Mega Corporations are doing these things without our knowledge or consent.

Their decisions affect our lives and our Environment.

And the only way that we, the paying consumers, ever find out about these deceitful practices and often harmful additives, are when a whistleblower, or savvy investigative writer does a story which is then passed on to the unknowing, innocent dupes.

That would be you and me.

So, now you know what  7 UP, Micro Beads and Lithium all have in common!


Places to learn more:

Lemon, Lime—and Lithium? Turns Out, 7-Up Used to Contain the Potent Drug

Lithium  – Wikipedia

Cocaine  – Wikipedia


This Toothpaste Brand Might Be Doing Horrifying Things to Your Mouth

Microbeads in personal care products are polluting our oceans and lakes

Dental discovery may have you changing your toothpaste

‘Plastic micro beads’ to be removed from soap

Facial Scrub Microbead Ban May Be Issued in New York

The Scary Reason Illinois Just Banned Your Face Wash


Naughty Nestlé

Nestlé’s Corporate Headquarters in Switzerland
Picture credit: Wikipedia


Ooh! La, La!  They’re not just about delectable chocolate anymore.

Since 1866, Nestlé has brought the world visions of sweet treats that they simply could not resist, but not anymore.

Now with roughly a mind-boggling 8,000 products and over $10 Billion in profits in 2013, they have become one of the biggest and yes, most often criticized food Corporations in the entire World.

“Nestlé has 447 factories, operates in 194 countries, and employs around 333,000 people” –  Wikipedia.

But expansion did not come without great controversy for the Chocolate Giant and the list of subjects of abuse that have been made against this mega corporation is long and wide and includes:
chocolate price-fixing, child labor laws in Africa’s Ivory Coast, bottled water, infant formula, food contamination, ravaging rainforests, unions, human rights, corporate spying, to name only a meager few.

In fact, they abuse so many people, in so many ways and places, it is remarkable that they are still in business.

But that remark aside, they are not only alive and well, they are hugely prosperous and the seething critics chomping at their behinds, apparently have had little, to no effect, on their bottom line!

Sorry that did not quite work, did it?

Rather that go on ad nauseam, about what I have found out about this Company, I believe that it would be better if you went to the links below and read for yourself.

May I just say that in all of the years that I have been writing, I have never found so many reference points for a written work, as I did for this one, not ever!

These abuses are absolutely sickening and yet, Nestlé somehow, remains the most powerful, biggest and most wealthy, Food Mega Corporation in the world today.

Please my dear followers, do read some of the links below and learn all about the World’s favorite Chocolate Company.

Perhaps it may just be time for another Nation-Wide Boycott of Nestlé in this Country?


Places to learn more:  (there were so many more, it was staggering)

Nestlé – Wikipedia

SourceWatch – Nestlé

The unrepentant chocolatier

Nestle Chairman says water is not a human right. Tell him he is wrong

Nestlé: Corporate Rap Sheet

Community says “no to Nestlé

Nestlé’s approach to sustainable agriculture 

Nestle Audit Finds Child Labor Violations in Cocoa Supply

Nestle: Stop heartless animal experiments for health claims

The brands of Nestlé

Nestlé’s Horrific Corporate Record

Undercover Video Catches Brutal Alleged Cow Abuse at DiGiorno Supplier